HP Laptop 17 RAM Upgrade
Symbolic Reference and Hardware Models in Python
Making Screenshots of Test Equipment Old and New
A Hardware Interposer to Fix the Symmetricom SyncServer S200 GPS Week Number Rollover Problem
Setting Up a Symmetricom SyncServer S200 Network Time Protocol Server
Tesla's FSD - a Useless Technology Demo
Zephyr Ravenna Control Board Replacement
Tektronix TDS 684B Oscilloscope Button Swap
Guide Technology GT300 Frequency Standard Teardown
Symmetricom 58532A GPS Antenna Supply Voltage Mod
HP 8656A Signal Generator Schematics
Hideo Okawara's Mixed Signal Lecture Series
Remote Controlling an HP 1670G Logic Analyzer with a Linux PC X Server
Analyzing the Monoprice Blackbird HDCP 2.2 to 1.4 Down Converter
Teardown of the TM4313 GPS Disciplined Oscillator
ThinMachine - a $25 Thin Client MacOS Time Machine Appliance
Increasing Frequency Counter Precision with Linear Regression
The HP 423A and a Beginner's Deep Dive into RF Crystal Detectors
Measuring the HP 11720A Pulse Modulator and Coax Cables
Cable Length Measurement with an HP 8007B Pulse Generator
$17 GM1312 Thermometer Review, Test, and Teardown
Installing Linux GPIB Drivers for the Agilent 82357B
Fake Parallel Printer - A Parallel Port Traffic Capturing Tool
HP 33120A Repair - Shutting Down the Eye of Sauron
An In-Depth Look at the ICE-V Wireless FPGA Development Board
Setting Up GPIB Communication with a Racal-Dana 1992 Universal Counter
The Agilent/HP E3631A Power Supply Repair that Wasn't
HP 3478A Multimeter Calibration Data Backup and Battery Replacement
Logic Primitive Transformations with Yosys Techmap
Reusing the Sony CRT Module of an HP 16500A Logic Analyzer
Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Codes from the Bottom Up
HP 16500A Logic Analyzer Teardown
GDBWave - A Post-Simulation Waveform-Based RISC-V GDB Debugging Server
Semihosting, your PC as Console of an Embedded RISC-V CPU
Repairing an HP 3478A Multimeter with a Hacksaw
The Intel JTAG Primitive - Using JTAG without Virtual JTAG
VexRiscv, OpenOCD, and Traps
A Pixel Purse LED Cube Controlled by a Cisco 3G Modem
Write Your Own C and Python Clients for the Intel JTAG UART
The Intel JTAG UART - Add a Serial Console to Your Design without Extra IO Pins
A Hack to Update RAM Initialization Contents in Intel FPGA Bitstreams
The $37 Arrow DECA FPGA Board
HP/Agilent E3631A Rotary Knob Repair
Tesla Model Y Energy Consumption With and Without Bikes on Rack
List of Analog Devices Tutorials
Colorlight i5 Extension Board Pin Mapping
Getting Started with ECP5 FPGAs on the Colorlight i5 FPGA Development Board
Optical S/PDIF Output PMOD
Design of a Multi-Stage PDM to PCM Decimation Pipeline
Half-Band Filters, a Workhorse of Decimation Filters
Cosimulating Verilog and VHDL with CXXRTL
Simulation Save/Restore Checkpointing with CXXRTL
From Microphone Datasheet to Filter Design Specification
Designing Generic FIR Filters with pyFDA and NumPy
PDM Microphones and Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion
An Intuitive Look at Moving Average and CIC Filters
CXXRTL, a Yosys Simulation Backend
Option Hacking the Tektronix TDS 420A
A Tektronix TDS 420A, a Serial Debug Console, a Symbol Table, and Ghidra
Extracting the Tektronix TDS 420A Firmware
Tektronix TDS 420A Remote Control over GPIB
In the Lab - Tektronix TDS 420A Oscilloscope
Reverse Engineering the Comtech AHA363 PCIe Gzip Accelerator Board
Making Sense of Test and Measurement Protocols
How I Write FSMs in RTL
Taking Apart a Smoke Detector
In The Lab - Soldering Prototypes with Enamel Magnet Wire
The Case of the Phantom Packets - A Formal Debugging Posterchild
Solderless PCB Assembly with Z-tape - It's not that You Should, but Maybe You Could?
Reverse Engineering the Cisco HWIC-3G-CDMA
WS2812B Reset Old & New
Project Mc2 Pixel Purse Teardown
Loading a Xilinx Spartan 6 bitstream with OpenOCD
Building Multiport Memories with Block RAMs
Video Timings Calculator
Setting Up an ADSB-Exchange Feeder
SweRV - An Annotated Deep Dive
VGA I2C Atari 2600 Joystick Expander - My First PCB
Under the hood of Formal Verification
The VexRiscV CPU - A New Way to Design
Pano Logic JTAG First Contact
Pano Logic G2 Disassembly
SpinalHDL Automated Operand Latency Matching
Racing the Beam Ray Tracer
Newsflash - Racing the Beam Ray Tracer"
A Bug-Free RISC-V Core without Simulation
SpinalHDL Snippets
Moving Away from Verilog - A First Look at SpinalHDL
Pano Logic Update: Audio Playback, USB and Ethernet Connections
Pano Logic Update: VGA, VexRiscV CPU, Text Mode
Pano Logic G1: Works Have Started
JTAG for FPGAs - Part 1: JTAG_GPIO
In the lab: Bausch and Lomb StereoZoom 4 with Phone Adapter
Micro Chip R/W Clip Review
eeColor Color3: HDMI RX to HDMI TX is UP!!!
eeColor Color3: SiI9233 and SiI9136 I2C Traces
Terasic vs Cheap Clone USB Blaster
eeColor Color3: HDMI TX is Up!
Pano Logic: Acquisition of the Goods!
Dirt Cheap USB Blaster Clones Considered Harmful
eeColor Color3: SiI9136 and SiI9233 Connections to FPGA
eeColor Color3: Getting Ready for Reverse Engineering
Hacking the eeColor Color3
Altera Quartus Install on Ubuntu 16.04
Debugging My First STM32 Program on the BlackIce-II Board
Connecting GDB to the BlackIce-II STM32L433 with the Black Magic Probe
STLink v2 + STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill Board + STM32L4xxx Debug
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