
I sometimes browse the FPGA subreddit so see what’s going on in that world.

One topic that comes up relatively often is about how to code FSMs in RTL. I read Reddit almost exclusively to kill time while on my phone. Typing out how to code an FSM on a phone is just no fun.

Instead of sitting on the sidelines forever, here’s a short write-up about how I do it. There are people who do it differently, but they are obviously doing it wrong.

My FSM Template

All of my FSMs follow this format:

    localparam IDLE             = 0;
    localparam SETUP            = 1;
    localparam ACTIVE           = 2;

    reg [1:0] cur_state, nxt_state;

    reg comb_output;
    reg seq_output, seq_output_nxt;

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

        // Default output assignments
        comb_output         = <default output value, this can be an equation>;
        seq_output_nxt      = seq_output;

            IDLE: begin
                comb_output     = <non-default output>;
                if (start) begin
                    nxt_state       = SETUP;
            SETUP: begin
                if (setup_complete) begin
                    seq_output_nxt      = 1'b1;
                    nxt_state           = ACTIVE;
            ACTIVE: begin
                seq_output_nxt      = 1'b0;
                nxt_state           = IDLE;

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        cur_state           <= nxt_state;
        seq_output          <= seq_output_nxt;

        if (!reset_) begin   
            cur_state       <= IDLE;
            seq_output      <= 1'b0;

An FSM Always Consists of 2 Processes

Some people write their FSMs as one clocked process, and every once in a while, I catch myself starting out doing the same thing. But as soon as you start adding complexity to it, that straightjacket inevitably breaks down, and I have to convert it to 2 processes anyway.

With 2 processes, you can decide at will which outputs of the FSM become clocked or combinational, and you can decide at will change one from one category to the other without impacting other code.

The sequential process contains all the FFs and the hard reset logic, but nothing more.

In the code above, I’m using a synchronous reset (it’s the right thing to do for ASICs these days, because it’s less cross-talk glitch sensitive), but asynchronous is obviously fine as well (assuming you come out in a synchronous way, of course!)

The FSM Code is State Centric instead of Output Signal Centric

There are many people who write their FSM processes as just the inputs to a state changing diagram and assign the outputs outside of the main FSM process. Like this:

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

            IDLE: begin
                if (start) begin
                    nxt_state       = SETUP;
            SETUP: begin
                if (setup_complete) begin
                    nxt_state           = ACTIVE;
            ACTIVE: begin
                nxt_state           = IDLE;

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        cur_state           <= nxt_state;

        if (!reset_) begin   
            cur_state       <= IDLE;

    assign comb_output      = (cur_state == IDLE) ? <non-default output>  : <default output>;   
    assign seq_output_nxt   = (cur_state == SETUP) && setup_complete  ? 1'b1 :
                              (cur_state == ACTIVE)                   ? 1'b0 :

In other words, instead of focusing the code on the story of what the FSM does for which state, the story is signal oriented: what does each signal do for all different states.

I’ve seen this kind of coding style used by highly competent RTL designers, but I just don’t get the appeal. How can you possibily keep track of what’s happening to multiple signals at a time for different states? With an FSM that focuses on the behavior per state, it’s much easier to follow what happens from one step to the other. I usually care about what happens to seq_output during the ACTIVE state when my FSM is in the IDLE state.

I sometimes go out of my way to embed assignments in the FSM itself. Imagine a design with data_valid output that is governed by an FSM and a data output that is not, but where data is only relevant when data_valid is active.

You could write it like this:

    assign data     = <some calculation>;

    always @(*) begin
        data_valid      = 1'b0;

            ACTIVE: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;

I might do the following instead:

    assign data_int         = <some calculation>;
    always @(*) begin
        data_valid      = 1'b0;
        data            = data_int;             <<<<<<<<<<<<<

            ACTIVE: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;
                data            = data_int;     <<<<<<<<<<<<<

Note that data gets a default assignment that is the same as the assignment in the ACTIVE state: this ensures that no part of the FSM gets mixed into the value of data (which would cost extra gates and reduce timing margin.)

But why?

First of all, it once again groups together all the action of a particular state and condition: the code makes it very explicity that data_valid and data have meaning together in the ACTIVE state.

Second, when, later, it turns out that data can have different kinds of values depending on the state, it can simply add that locally to that particular state.

Like this:

    assign data_int         = <some calculation>;

    always @(*) begin
        data_valid      = 1'b0;
        data            = data_int;

            ACTIVE1: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;
                data            = data_int;
            ACTIVE2: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;
                data            = <some other value>;

It also allows me to do the following:

    always @(*) begin
        data_valid      = 1'b0;
        data            = {16{1'bx}};    <<<< Make data invalid when data_valid is 0
            ACTIVE: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;
                data            = data_int;

The change above makes it very easy to see on simulation waveforms when data is invalid. It can also help finding bugs in case the downstream code uses data when data_valid is not asserted.

In some cases, I’ll do the following:

    always @(*) begin
        data_valid      = 1'b0;
        data            = {16{1'bx}};
        data            = data_int;
            ACTIVE: begin
                data_valid      = 1'b1;
                data            = data_int;

Doing so combines ease of debugging, yet ensures optimal and predictable synthesis results. (This is also important when doing formal equivalence check between gatelevel and RTL.)

Rigorous Naming Convention for Combinatorial and Sequential Outputs

A sequential output gets the _nxt suffix. No exceptions. When due to a design change the signal switches from combinatorial to sequential or vice versa, all relevant signals get renamed.

Note: this is not apply when writing SpinalHDL code, since SpinalHDL allows free mixing of combinatorial and sequential code.

Most waveform viewers sort signal names alphabetically. That’s why I will always use suffixes instead of prefixes. When you have a bunch of signals like a, a_nxt, b, b_nxt, c, c_nxt etc, I want all a-related signals to be grouped together.

(I personally hate embedding the port direction of a signal in the signal name, but if you really like it, at least use suffixes there too. No prefixes. I want to see all signals of an interface grouped together. I don’t want signal completely independent and unrelated interface signals to be grouped together just because they all start with i_.)

No Explicit Stay-in-the-Same-State Assignments

I do this:

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

            IDLE: begin
                if (start) begin
                    nxt_state       = SETUP;

Not this:

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

            IDLE: begin
                if (start) begin
                    nxt_state       = SETUP;
                else begin
                    nxt_state       = IDLE;     <<<<< Redundant

There is no point in stating the obvious, and when there are multiple nested if-else clauses you can get a bunch of useless clutter quickly.

Overriding Previous Default Assignments is Totally Fine

I prefer doing this:

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

            DRIVE_BUS: begin
                data_valid_nxt      = 1'b1;         <<<<<
                if (data_ready) begin
                    data_valid_nxt      = 1'b0;     <<<<<
                    nxt_state           = IDLE

instead of this:

    always @(*) begin
        nxt_state           = cur_state;

            DRIVE_BUS: begin
                data_valid_nxt      = data_ready ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;     <<<<<
                if (data_ready) begin
                    nxt_state           = IDLE

My argument here is the same as the one earlier on about the story that you want to tell: I want the focus of the code to be on what happens on a group of signals under a particular condition, not on what each signal does under a variety of conditions.

In the case above, what’s important to me is everything that happens when data_ready is high: both data_valid_nxt going low, and the FSM transitioning to IDLE.

When the code is as simple as here, it doesn’t make a material difference, but it can be when the FSM is complex with many signal assignments.

Regular vs One-Hot Encoding

One-hot encoding has some benefits in terms of timing and sometimes in terms of resource usage.

Whether I use regular or one-hot encoding, I prefer to the state numbering to be the same.

    localparam IDLE             = 0;
    localparam SETUP            = 1;
    localparam ACTIVE           = 2;

For regular encoding, the case statement then looks like this:

        IDLE: begin 


And for one-hot, it looks like this:

    case(1'b1) // synthesis parallel_case
        cur_state[IDLE]: begin 

This is one of the only cases where I’ll ever use synthesis parallel_case in my code. I will never use synthesis full_case.

No Mealy vs Moore BS

Something that comes up a lot on the FPGA Reddit subforum: How do I code a Mealy FSM? How do I code a Moore FSM?

The answer is simple and, based on the answers on the subreddit, pretty universal: it doesn’t matter. Like learning about Karnaugh maps and Quine-McCluskey optimization, the existence of Mealy vs Moore should be forgotten the moment an engineer gets their degree and enters the professional world.

I’ve seen some misguided redditors comment that they ask candidates about Mealy vs Moore during interviews. This should be a fireable offense for the interviewer.

That said: 2-process coding style is flexible enough to code any kind of FSM. If, for some weird reason, you want to stick to Mealy vs Moore concept, go for it. Just keep quiet and don’t bother anybody else with it. :-)

Glitch-Free Outputs

When you want to make sure the output of your FSM is glitch-free, you have a few options.

If a particular output will only ever be high (or low) during 1 specific state of the FSM, you could tie the output directly to the state vector of your FSM:

    localparam IDLE             = 0;
    localparam SETUP            = 1;
    localparam ACTIVE           = 2;

    ... our 2 processes ...

    assign my_glitchfree_output = cur_state[ACTIVE];

This technique requires no additional FF, but it only works for one-hot FSMs, and it is no good when my_glitchfree_output can be high for multiple states. The code below could result in a glitch:

    assign my_glitchfree_output = cur_state[SETUP] | cur_state[ACTIVE];

For everything else, one-hot or not doesn’t really matter: you’ll need an additional FF just for that output signal.

Creating that output signal can be done in different ways.

You could make that FF just another sequential output of the FSM:

    always @(*) begin

        my_glitchfree_output_nxt        = my_glitchfree_output;

            SETUP: begin
                if (setup_complete) begin
                    my_glitchfree_output_nxt    = 1'b1;
                    nxt_state                   = ACTIVE;

            ACTIVE: begin
                my_glitchfree_output_nxt    = 1'b0;
                nxt_state                   = IDLE

The benefit of the code above is, once again, that everything related to a particular state and condition is grouped together. However, if many FSM states transition into the ACTIVE state, it may require a my_glitchfree_output_nxt = 1'b1 statement for each of those transitions.

The alterative is to implement the FF outside of the FSM, and make use of the nxt_state signal.

Like this:

        <FSM code>

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        my_glitchfree_output    <= (nxt_state == ACTIVE);

For Hobby Code: a State Signal to State Name Ascii Decoder

In the professional world, you’ll probably …hopefully… use a tool like Verdi which understands FSMs and will annotate state signals with their state name. A Verilog/GTKWave-based debugging flow doesn’t have this luxury.

For those cases, the 2-process flow gets one additional debug-only process which translates the state vector into an ASCII string vector:

    reg [255:0] cur_state_text;

    always @(*) begin
            IDLE:   cut_state_text            = "IDLE";
            SETUP:  cut_state_text            = "SETUP";
            ACTIVE: cut_state_text            = "ACTIVE";

When you define a signal of type SpinalEnum in SpinalHDL, the generated Verilog will automatically include this kind of signal to ASCII decoder for you!

Like almost all other waveform viewers, GTKWave supports displaying a random bit vector in ASCII format.